I'm back!!
I had SUCH good intentions of posting on my blog every night of Convention...but add very long days and very short nights...plus a hotel where you could only get free wi-fi in the lobby...well, you get it!
So, here is my look back at the first day of Convention. I can't really even begin to explain want a Stampin' Up! convention is like....you really need to be there to truly "get it". I've been hearing about Convention for YEARS and I didn't get it....well, I got it now!!
The first day was filled with LOTS of fantastic info and (the BEST part) a SNEAK PEAK at the NEW HOLIDAY MINI!! All I can say is...Oh.my.gosh. I'm not allowed to show you the catalogs (which I have ready and waiting for you on September 1st!) or the product in them...but, trust me.....you will LOOOOVVVVEEEE it! I'm planning my classes now!!
BUT, before we get into all of that, let's start at the beginning...shall we?
The theme of this years event was "GROW"...an entire seeds, planting, growing your garden theme. Here's what Main Stage looked like
And, of course, it wouldn't be Convention with out a Theme Song (I'm hoping to find a digital download to share with you, it's actually quite a catchy song...and it's still in my head!)
The song kinda had an "islandy" vibe to it...should have figured it would be some sort of foreshadowing for a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT later in the week!
The stage changed color constantly...it was so cool!
After Shelly (Gardner..Stampin' Up! Founder and Grand PooBa) they went right into what we were all hoping to see....NEW PRODUCT!
Box by box they unvieled items from the new Holiday Mini!
As I mentioned, I am not allowed to show you the new product...but that doesn't mean I can't show you some projects used WITH the product!! It's kinda like playing "I Spy"...
Hmmm....see any new Fall items in this beautiful display?
Maybe this will help...a little closer. Hey, is that NEW FABRIC I see??
And if you're thinking about Fall...you're thinking about Halloween!
The Christmas Items are just Fantastic...here's a VERY SMALL sneak peak
Wait, how did they make those CUTE STOCKINGS....with that NEW FABRIC??
At the end of the "unveiling" of the boxes...there was just ONE MORE...
You KNOW if Shelly is on stage...it MUST be a big deal! What was under here is a BIG PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT that I can't talk about just yet. Let's just say it's something you've been asking for scores of times!
Here's one last hint....after the product announcement we all ran back to Momento Mall to purchase the bag that was designed for it!
Momento Mall Display
There she is in all her handmade goodness! What would fit perfectly in that bag?? And where have I seen that fabric before...hmmmm
But the NEW product that I am just GIDDY about is what creates these:
Get those Christmas Wish Lists ready....you are going to WANT to have the product that does this on your list...
Plus I know you'll want it to make those Holiday gifts as well!
Oh, did I mention the GIVE AWAYS yet??
e all got an ENTIRE PACK of the new Holiday Mini..which is GREAT so we can share them right away come September 1st! But them we found out that we were all going home with a "Workshop in a Bag"! Complete with a Hostess Gift Project, a card to demonstrate and enough supplies to make a third Make and Take with our guests!!
Here's a picture of the super cute Tag holder with mini tags for our Hostess Gift!!! Do you LOVE IT?? The first person who books a workshop with me in either July or August is going to get this!!! Contact me if you want to be that lucky person!!
We also got a Simply Sent Kit along with the Stamp Set to go with it!! I've been dying to play with these...now I have them! Yeah!
Here's a sample board showcasing the line...
Okay, I have to show you one more project for tonight. As soon as I laid my eyes on this holiday project, I KNEW that I would HAVE to make it....and I knew YOU would want to make it too!!
So, here's a sneak peak at an upcoming Holiday Project that I'll be offering sometime this Fall...
(Hold on to your hat!! And see if you can find all the new product that you'll be able to play with!)
So, that is Day One is a VERY small nutshell....I haven't even started to show you pictures from the Demo Resource Center....stay tuned for those tomorrow!
all i can say is AWESOME!